mystic seeking moonbase
cosmology of an atheist mystic
My name is Lóre Stevens.
My vocation is to remind myself and others
of our universal interconnectedness
so that we may reduce harm
and steward Earthlife, both here and out among the stars.
I’m a spiritual community leader & writer.
My profession is Unitarian Universalist minister.
Unitarian Universalism (UU) is an interfaith liberal religious movement, which includes non-theists like myself. In my work as a UU minister, I lead worship (honoring “all that which is of worth”), offer spiritual care in times of grief or hardship, teach classes, act for social justice in the public square, and help lead the larger UU faith into the future.
It turns out, you can be a spiritual atheist, as most Buddhists are! Spirituality is about the connectedness we all share.
This website is so that those who may be interested may find my work in a central spot.
“Lóre’s light makes others feel like shining too!”
— divinity school classmate